MET Laboratories


 Project Amendment Request Form

  Contact Eurofins E&E North America at

Applicant Information    * Denotes Required Data

*Applicant Name:


Applicant Address:

Requester Name:

*Phone #:


Reports/Products Affected by Amendments/Modifications

Product Name:

Listing/File #:

CB or EN Report #:

US/CAN Report #:

ATEX or IECEx Report #:

Other Information:

Description of Product Amendments/Modifications

Please fill in this section with a detailed description of the amendments/modifications.
Please explicitly indicate in the body of this PAR whether this PAR covers both the ordinary location and the hazardous location elements of the certification, if applicable.

Amendments/Modifications to Critical Components List or Critical Drawings List

Please complete the below tables listing component changes and/or changes to drawings controlled within the MET Report.

Details of New or Alternate Critical Components

Figure/item No.

Object/ Parts No.

Manufacturer/ Trademark


Technical Data

Mark(s) of Conformity

Certification file # (if known)

Details of Revisions to Critical Drawings  Please list ALL revision level changes to the respective drawing, up to and including the latest revision level, in successive order.

Drawing Number

Previous Revision

New Revision

Description of Revision

Justification for Acceptance (if known)

Example 1:




Removed resistor, R1

Not an intrinsically safe critical component.

Example 2:




Material change from stainless steel 304 to 316

Similar metals. Physical and mechanical properties remain the same.

Additional Information

Please provide any additional information or references to documents included with the submittal in this section.


If this is a medical product for the US market, are the above changes considered significate changes in accordance with the guidance provided by the FDA?


Please upload your documentation (documents, images) related to this product, if applicable. (Browse and Ctrl-Click to select multiple files.)


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